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Glossaire des sigles médicaux anglais


 Laboratory equipment

Dictionnaire des abréviations médicales et paramédicales du Royaume-Uni

Les sigles courants, et les sigles désuets des 50 dernières années. Current abbreviations, and obsolete abbreviations from the last 50 years.


B :

b bacillus
B biceps jerk reflex
  type B blood
B6, B12, etc vitamines B
BA Bachelor of Arts
  Benefits Agency
Ba barium [repas baryté, lavement baryté]
BaE barium enema
BAER brainstem auditory evoked response [audiologie]
BAHA bone-anchored hearing aid
BAL bronchoalveolar lavage
  British anti-Lewisite [dimercaprol]
BALF bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
BALT bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue
BaM barium meal
BAMS Benefits Agency Medical Service
BAO Bachelor of the Art of Obstetrics
BAP bone-specific alkaline phosphatase
BARC Bleeding Academic Research Consortium [échelle de saignement : BARC 3, etc]
BASc Bachelor of Applied Science
baso basophils
BB bed bath
BBA born before arrival
BBB blood brain barrier
  bundle branch block
BBD baby born dead
BBT basal body temperature
  birth control
  bone conduction [audiologie]
BCAA branched-chain amino acids
BCC basal cell carcinoma
B.Ch Bachelor of Surgery
B.ChD Bachelor of Dental Surgery
B.Chir Bachelor of Surgery
b-c bone conduction [audiologie]
BCG BCG [vaccin bacille Calmette-Guérin]
BCNU bis-chloroethylnitrosourea [carmustine]
BCR British Comparative Ratio
BCS battered child syndrome
BCT British Comparative Thromboplastin
bd both
b.d. bis die [twice daily]
bis die bis die [twice daily]
BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BDL below detectable limits
BE bacterial endocarditis
  barium enema
  base excess
  behind-the-ear [aide auditive]
  below elbow
BEAM brain electrical activity mapping
BAI Beck Anxiety Inventory
BEE basal energy expenditure
bene well
benzos benzodiazepines
BER brainstem evoked response [audiologie]
BERA brainstem evoked response audiogram
bf boyfriend
BFGF basic fibroblast growth factor
BFZ bendroflumethiazide
BhCG beta human chorionic gonadotropin
Bi biceps
BID brought into hospital dead
b.i.d. bis in die [deux fois par jour]
Bil bilirubin
bilat bilateral
BIO biochemistry
BiPAP biphasic positive airway pressure
BiPP biphasic positive airway pressure
BIPP bismuth+iodoform+paraffin [pâte antiseptique pour pansement]
BJ biceps jerk reflex
  bone & joint
BK below knee
BKA below knee amputation
BKB Bamford-Kowal-Bench [audiologie]
BKWP below knee walking plaster
B/L bilateral
blad bladder
blast blastocytes
bld blood
BLS basic life support
BM Bachelor of Medicine
  Boehringer Mannheim [bandelettes de test de glycémie]
  bone marrow
  bowel movement
BMA British Medical Association
BMD bone mineral density
BMW benign myalgic encephalomyelitis
BMedSc Bachelor of Medical Science
BMI body mass index
BMJ British Medical Journal
BMLD binaural masking level difference [audiologie]
BMR basal metabolic rate
BM stix Boehringer Mannheim strips [bandelettes de test de glycémie]
BMT bone marrow transplant
BN Bachelor of Nursing
BNF British National Formulary
BNO bowels not opened
BOA born on arrival
BO bowels opened
BOR bowels open regularly
BOW bag of waters [sac amniotique]
BP blood pressure
  British Pharmacopoeia
b.p. boiling point
BPC British Pharmaceutical Codex
BPd diastolic blood pressure
BPD biparietal diameter
  bipolar diathermy
  borderline personality disorder
  bronchopulmonary dysplasia
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
BPharm Bachelor of Pharmacy
bpm beats per minute
BPP biophysical profile
BPPV benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
BPS British Psychological Society
BPSD behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia
BPV benign postural vertigo
Bq Becquerel
BR bed rest
BRCS British Red Cross Society
BRh+ve Type B blood, rhesus positive
BRI Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bristol Royal Infirmary, etc
BRV benign recurrent vertigo
BS backslab (plâtre)
  blood sugar
  bowel sounds
  breath sounds
BSA body surface area
BSC bacterial stool culture
  basal squamous carcinoma
  best supportive care
  blood stem cell
BSc Bachelor of Science
BSChB Bachelor of Surgery
BSc(Nurs) Bachelor of Nursing Science
BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy
  breast self-examination
BSER brain stem evoked response [audiologie]
BSL blood sugar load
BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BSO bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
BSP bromsulphthalein
BSR blood sedimentation rate
BSS blood sugar series
BSV breath sounds vesicular
BT bed-time
  bleeding time
  brain tumour
  breast tumour
BTBV beat to beat variation
BTFS breast tumour frozen section
BTL bilateral tubal ligation
BTPS body temperature and pressure
BU Bodansky unit
  Burns Unit
BuChE butyrylcholinesterase
BUN blood urea nitrogen
BV blood vessel
  blood volume
BVI blood vessel invasion
BVL bilateral vas ligation
BW below the waist
  body water
  body weight
  body-worn [aide auditive]
BWO bowels well open
BWS battered woman syndrome
Bx biopsy
BZ benzodiazepine




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